2 BALIKESİR / TAHİROVA FARM Peach, nectarine, apple, pear, plum and cherry on 1,000 HA. 3 BALIKESİR PACKING HOUSE Established on 20,000 m 2 , with atmospheric controlled cold storage warehouses, fully automatic calibration and packing machines. 4 DENİZLİ FARM Sour cherry and cherry on 160 HA. 5 DENİZLİ PLANT Fruit processing capacity for 100,000 ton/annually logistical advantage for export. KUMKALE FARM TAHİROVA FARM BALIKESİR PACKING HOUSE KARAPINAR FARM DENİZLİ FARM DENİZLİ PLANT 1 2 3 10 6 4 5 ADANA R&D FARM KARAMAN FARM URFA R&D FARMS MERSİN PLANT ISPARTA PLANT 8 11 9 7 1 ÇANAKKALE / KUMKALE FARM Peach, nectarine and apricot on 600 HA. 6 KONYA / KARAPINAR FARM Turkey’s largest organic sour cherry farm on 160 HA, apple farm on 200 HA. Contracted apple farm on 500 HA. 7 MERSİN PLANT Fruit processing capacity for all fruits including citrus. 8 ADANA R&D FARM Peach, apricot and nectarine on 120 HA. 9 URFA R&D FARMS Peach, nectarine, pomegranate and sour cherry on 160 HA in North and South Farms. Turkey’s largest organic pomegranate farm on 50 HA. 11 KARAMAN FARM Apple and pear. 10 ISPARTA PLANT Fruit processing capacity for 100,000 ton/annually. farms and plants 10 11